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Ke Hua conducts teaching research in Jiujiang, Jingdezhen and Shangrao

  The Vice President of CELAJ Ke Hua conducted teaching research in Jiujiang, Jingdezhen, and Shaoarao. Staff from relevant departments of CELAJ participated in the research.
  The research team paid a visit to the National Cultural Park of Changjiang, the branch company of the China Petroleum & Chemical Corporation in Jiujiang, the historic culture street of Taoyangli, and a village in Wuyuan county. Ke Hua stressed to bear in mind Xi Jinping's important instruction on Jiangxi’s development during his inspection tour in Jiangxi province. He urged to strive to develop new featured courses, create quality teaching route, deepen cooperation of the academy with local government by exploiting the fine traditional Chinese culture inherited and developed in Jiujiang, Jingdezhen and shangrao, and make solid progress in the education of party cadres and make greater contribution to the economic and social development of Jiangxi province.